Frequently Ask Questions

The duration of curtain cleaning depends on the curtain fabric and method adopted. The duration of dry cleaning may be short as compared with curtain steam cleaning. On average we take 60 to 90 minutes in cleaning your curtains at home. Our professionals will inform you about the time estimate beforehand.
Yes. We provide same-day and emergency services for professional curtain cleaning Melbourne. Our customer support services remain available 365 days a year, so feel free in contacting us anytime you want.
Yes. Our professionals at Drain Fast Curtain Cleaning Melbourne have access to the latest devices and tools that helps in effective curtain cleaning. We use biodegradable cleaning solvents and adopt different cleaning methods for getting better results.
Yes. Curtains shrink by 3%, after washing. Our professionals make sure to read the labels attached to the curtain and take preventive measures for its cleaning for avoiding shrinkage. Also, your curtains are measured before cleaning, so the shrinkage can be detected.
At, Drain Fast Curtain Cleaning Melbourne we accept payments using all kinds of methods. You can pay us in cash, write a cheque, use your debit or credit card, and make an online payment.
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